
You can deploy your Trionyx project any way that works for your environment. If you are just looking for a simple deployment to dedicated server (or VPS). Trionyx provides a complete Ansible role for setting up and deploying your project to a clean Ubuntu server.

Server setup created by Ansible:

  • Nginx (https with Letsencrypt)
  • Gunicorn (gevent)
  • PostgreSQL with pgbouncer
  • RabbitMQ
  • Firewall (ufw, fail2ban)
  • Auto update with unattended-upgrades

Creating Ansible playbook


  • Newly installed Ubuntu 18.04 server
  • Domain name that points to that server
  • Git repository of your project

Before you begin you need to install Ansible:

pip install --user ansible

After you have installed Ansible you can create a Trionyx playbook by running:

trionyx create_ansible <domain> <repo>

Follow the instructions and the end you will have an Ubuntu server running with your Project.

Server maintenance

Security updates are automatically installed with unattended-upgrades. For the normal system update there is an upgrade.yml playbook.


The upgrade.yml playbook will restart the server if an updated package required a system reboot.

You can run the system upgrade playbook with following command:

ansible-playbook upgrade.yml -i production