
All Trionyx base settings


Return same string, Dummy function to find translatable strings with makemessages

trionyx.settings.get_env_var(setting, default=None, configs={'ALLOWED_HOSTS': ['localhost', ''], 'DEBUG': True, 'SECRET_KEY': 'Not secure key'})[source]

Get environment variable from the environment json file

Default environment file is environment.json in the root of project, Other file path can be set with the TRIONYX_CONFIG environment variable

trionyx.settings.LOGIN_EXEMPT_URLS = ['static', 'api']

A list of urls that dont require a login

trionyx.settings.TX_APP_NAME = 'Trionyx'

Full application name

trionyx.settings.TX_LOGO_NAME_START = 'Tri'

The first characters of the name that are bold

trionyx.settings.TX_LOGO_NAME_END = 'onyx'

The rest of the characters

trionyx.settings.TX_LOGO_NAME_SMALL_START = 'T'

The first character or characters of the small logo that is bold

trionyx.settings.TX_LOGO_NAME_SMALL_END = 'X'

The last character or characters of the small logo that is normal

trionyx.settings.TX_THEME_COLOR = 'purple'

The theme skin color (header). Aviable colors: blue, yellow, green, purple, red, black. All colors have a light version blue-light


Return default dashboard

trionyx.settings.TX_MODEL_OVERWRITES = {}

Config to overwrite models, its a dict where the key is the original app_label.model_name and value is the new one.

    'trionyx.User': 'local.User',
trionyx.settings.TX_MODEL_CONFIGS = {}

Dict with configs for non Trionyx model, example:

    '': {
        'list_default_fields': ['name'],
        'disable_search_index': False,
trionyx.settings.TX_DB_LOG_LEVEL = 30

The DB log level for logging