Source code for trionyx.layout

# copyright 2019 by Maikel Martens
# license GPLv3

Layout and Components

Layouts are used to render a view for an object.
Layouts are defined and registered in in an app.

**Example of a tab layout for the user profile:**

.. code-block:: python

    def account_overview(obj):
        return Container(
                        Img(src="{}{}".format(settings.MEDIA_URL, obj.avatar)),
                        'Account information',

import re
import time
import datetime
import decimal
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any

from django import template
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import QuerySet

from trionyx import utils
from trionyx.trionyx.conf import settings as tx_settings

register = template.Library()

[docs]class Colors: """Colors""" THEME = 'theme' LIGHT_BLUE = 'light-blue' AQUA = 'aqua' GREEN = 'green' YELLOW = 'yellow' RED = 'red' GRAY = 'gray' NAVY = 'navy' TEAL = 'teal' PURPLE = 'purple' ORANGE = 'orange' MAROON = 'maroon' BLACK = 'black'
[docs]class Layout: """Layout object that holds components""" def __init__(self, *components, **options): """Initialize Layout""" = f'layout_{utils.random_string(8)}'.lower() self.update_url = '' self.object = False self.components = list(components) self.options = options def __getitem__(self, slice): """Get component item""" return self.components[slice] def __setitem__(self, slice, value): """Set component""" self.components[slice] = value def __delitem__(self, slice): """Delete component""" del self.components[slice] def __len__(self): """Get component length""" return len(self.components)
[docs] def get_paths(self): """Get all paths in layout for easy lookup""" def generate_paths(component=None, path=None, index=None): """Generate all paths in layout""" path = [ *path, str(component.__class__.__name__ + '-' + str(index)).lower() ] paths = {'.'.join(path): component} for index, comp in enumerate(component.components): paths.update(generate_paths(comp, path, index)) return paths paths = {} for index, comp in enumerate(self.components): paths.update(generate_paths(comp, [], index)) # Can't cache paths because after one change the are not valid return paths
[docs] def find_component_by_path(self, path): """Find component by path, gives back component and parent""" path_re = re.compile(r'([\wd]+)(\[(\d+)\])?') new_path = [] for p in path.lower().split('.'): match = path_re.match(p) new_path.append('{}-{}'.format(, if else 0 )) paths = self.get_paths() return ( paths.get('.'.join(new_path)), paths.get('.'.join(new_path[:-1])) )
[docs] def find_component_by_id(self, id=None, current_comp=None): """Find component by id, gives back component and parent""" current_comp = current_comp if current_comp else self for comp in current_comp.components: if id and == id: return (comp, current_comp) for comp in current_comp.components: r_comp, r_parent = self.find_component_by_id(id=id, current_comp=comp) if r_comp: return (r_comp, r_parent) return (None, None)
[docs] def render(self, request=None): """Render layout for given request""" return render_to_string('trionyx/layout.html', { 'layout': self, 'css_files': self.collect_css_files(), 'js_files': self.collect_js_files(), }, request)
[docs] def collect_css_files(self, component=None): """Collect all css files""" component = component if component else self files = getattr(component, 'css_files', None) files = files if files else [] for comp in component.components: files.extend(self.collect_css_files(comp)) # When ComponentFieldsMixin is used the value can be a component if isinstance(component, ComponentFieldsMixin): for field in component.get_fields(): if isinstance(field.get('value'), Component): files.extend(self.collect_css_files(field.get('value'))) return list(set(files))
[docs] def collect_js_files(self, component=None): """Collect all js files""" component = component if component else self files = getattr(component, 'js_files', None) files = files if files else [] for comp in component.components: files.extend(self.collect_js_files(comp)) # When ComponentFieldsMixin is used the value can be a component if isinstance(component, ComponentFieldsMixin): for field in component.get_fields(): if isinstance(field.get('value'), Component): files.extend(self.collect_js_files(field.get('value'))) return list(set(files))
[docs] def set_object(self, object): """ Set object for rendering layout and set object to all components :param object: :return: """ if self.object is False: self.object = object # Pass object along to child components for rendering for component in self.components: component.set_object(self.object,
[docs] def add_component(self, component, id=None, path=None, before=False, append=False): """ Add component to existing layout can insert component before or after component :param component: :param id: component id :param path: component path, example: container.row.column6[1].panel :param append: append component to selected component from id or path :return: """ if not id and not path: if before: self.components.append(component) else: self.components.insert(0, component) if id: comp, parent = self.find_component_by_id(id) else: comp, parent = self.find_component_by_path(path) if not comp: raise LookupError('Could not add component: Unknown path {} or id {}'.format(path, id)) if append: if before: comp.components.append(component) else: comp.components.insert(0, component) elif parent: index = parent.components.index(comp) if before else parent.components.index(comp) + 1 parent.components.insert(index, component) elif comp: index = self.components.index(comp) if before else self.components.index(comp) + 1 self.components.insert(index, component)
[docs] def delete_component(self, id=None, path=None): """ Delete component for given path or id :param id: component id :param path: component path, example: container.row.column6[1].panel :return: """ if not id and not path: raise ValueError('You must supply an id or path') if id: comp, parent = self.find_component_by_id(id) else: comp, parent = self.find_component_by_path(path) if not comp: raise ValueError('Could not delete component: Unknown path {} or id {}'.format(path, id)) if parent: parent.components.remove(comp) elif comp: self.components.remove(comp)
[docs]class Component: """Base component can be use as an holder for other components""" template_name: str = '' """Component template to be rendered, default template only renders child components""" js_files: List[str] = [] """List of required javascript files""" css_files: List[str] = [] """List of required css files""" def __init__(self, *components, **options): """Initialize Component""" = options.pop('id', None) self.css_id = f"component-{}" if else None self.layout_id = None self.components = list(filter(None, components)) self.object = options.get('object', False) self.lock_object = options.get('lock_object', False) self.should_render = options.get('should_render', lambda self: True) self.context = {} self.request = None # set options on object for key, value in options.items(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def set_object(self, object, force=False, layout_id=None): """ Set object for rendering component and set object to all components when object is set the layout should be complete with all components. So we also use it to set the layout_id so it's available in the updated method and also prevent whole other lookup of all components. :param object: :return: """ if layout_id: self.layout_id = layout_id if not self.lock_object and (self.object is False or force): self.object = object else: object = self.object self.updated() # Pass object along to child components for rendering for component in self.components: component.set_object(object, force, layout_id)
[docs] def updated(self): """Object updated hook method that is called when component is updated with object""" pass
[docs] def render(self, context, request=None): """Render component""" if not self.should_render(self): return '' context['component'] = self self.context = context self.request = request if settings.DEBUG: path = [ *getattr(self, '_debug_path', []), '{name}[{index}]'.format( name=str(self.__class__.__name__).lower(), index=getattr(self, '_debug_path_index', 0), ) ] self._debug_full_path = '.'.join(path) for index, comp in enumerate(self.components): comp._debug_path = path comp._debug_path_index = index start_time = time.time() if self.template_name: output = render_to_string(self.template_name, context, request) else: output = ''.join(comp.render(context, request) for comp in self.components) if settings.DEBUG: output = """ <!--{class_name}: {template_name}--> <!--Path: {path}--> <!--Render time: {render_time}--> {output} """.format( class_name=".".join([self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__]), template_name=self.template_name, path=self._debug_full_path, render_time=round(time.time() - start_time, 4), output=output, ) return mark_safe(output)
[docs]class ComponentFieldsMixin: """Mixin for adding fields support and rendering of object(s) with fields.""" fields: List[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = [] """ List of fields to be rendered. Item can be a string or dict, default options: - **field**: Name of object attribute or dict key to be rendered - **label**: Label of field - **value**: Value to be rendered (Can also be a component) - **format**: String format for rendering field, default is '{0}' - **renderer**: Render function for rendering value, result will be given to format. (lambda value, **options: value) Based on the order the fields are in the list a __index__ is set with the list index, this is used for rendering a object that is a list. .. code-block:: python fields = [ 'first_name', 'last_name' ] fields = [ 'first_name', { 'label': 'Real last name', 'value': object.last_name } ] """ fields_options: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} """ Options available for the field, this is not required to set options on field. - **default**: Default option value when not set. .. code-block:: python fields_options = { 'width': { 'default': '150px', } } """ objects: Union[str, list, QuerySet] = [] """ List of object to be rendered, this can be a QuerySet, list or string. When its a string it will get the attribute of the object. The items in the objects list can be a mix of Models, dicts or lists. """
[docs] def add_field(self, field, index=None): """Add field""" self.fields = list(self.fields) if index is not None: self.fields.insert(index, field) else: self.fields.append(field)
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Get all fields""" if not hasattr(self, '__fields'): self.__fields = [ self.parse_field(field, index) for index, field in enumerate(getattr(self, 'fields', [])) if not (field is False or field is None) ] return self.__fields
[docs] def parse_field(self, field_data, index=0): """Parse field and add missing options""" field = { '__index__': index, } if isinstance(field_data, str): field.update(self.parse_string_field(field_data)) elif isinstance(field_data, dict): field.update(field_data) else: raise TypeError('Expected a str or dict get {}'.format(type(field_data))) if 'field' not in field: field['field'] = None if 'label' not in field and field['field']: model = self.objects.model if isinstance(self.objects, QuerySet) else self.object try: field['label'] = model._meta.get_field(field['field']).verbose_name.capitalize() except Exception: field['label'] = field['field'].replace('_', '').capitalize() elif 'label' not in field: field['label'] = '' if 'format' not in field: field['format'] = '{0}' # Set default options for name, options in self.fields_options.items(): if 'default' in options and name not in field: field[name] = options['default'] return field
[docs] def parse_string_field(self, field_data): """ Parse a string field to dict with options String value is used as field name. Options can be given after = symbol. Where key value is separated by : and different options by ;, when no : is used then the value becomes True. **Example 1:** `field_name` .. code-block:: python # Output { 'field': 'field_name' } **Example 3** `field_name=option1:some value;option2: other value` .. code-block:: python # Output { 'field': 'field_name', 'option1': 'some value', 'option2': 'other value', } **Example 3** `field_name=option1;option2: other value` .. code-block:: python # Output { 'field': 'field_name', 'option1': True, 'option2': 'other value', } :param str field_data: :return dict: """ field_name, *data = field_data.split('=', 1) field = { 'field': field_name, } for option_string in ''.join(data).split(';'): option, *value = option_string.split(':') if option.strip(): field[option.strip()] = value[0].strip() if value else True return field
[docs] def get_value(self, field, data): """Get value""" if 'value' in field: return field['value'] elif isinstance(data, object) and field['field'] and hasattr(data, field['field']): return getattr(data, field['field']) elif isinstance(data, dict) and field['field'] in data: return data.get(field['field']) elif isinstance(data, list) and field['__index__'] < len(data): return data[field['__index__']] return ''
[docs] def render_field(self, field, data): """Render field for given data""" from trionyx.renderer import renderer value = self.get_value(field, data) options = {key: value for key, value in field.items() if key not in ['value', 'data_object']} if 'renderer' in field: value = field['renderer'](value, data_object=data, **options) elif isinstance(value, Component): value.set_object(data, True, self.layout_id) value = value.render(self.context.copy(), self.request) elif isinstance(data, object) and field['field'] and hasattr(data, field['field']): value = renderer.render_field(data, field['field'], **field) else: value = renderer.render_value(value, data_object=data, **options) return field['format'].format(value)
[docs] def get_rendered_object(self, obj=None): """Render object""" obj = obj if obj else self.object return [ { **field, 'value': self.render_field(field, obj) } for field in self.get_fields() ]
[docs] def get_rendered_objects(self): """Render objects""" return [ self.get_rendered_object(obj) for obj in self.get_objects() ]
[docs] def get_objects(self): """Get objects""" objects = self.objects if isinstance(objects, str): objects = getattr(self.object, objects).all() return objects
# ============================================================================= # Simple HTML tags # =============================================================================
[docs]class HtmlTemplate(Component): """HtmlTemplate render django html template""" def __init__(self, template_name, context=None, css_files=None, js_files=None, **options): """Initialize HtmlTemplate""" super().__init__(**options) self.template_name = template_name self.context = context if context else {} self.css_files = css_files if css_files else [] self.js_files = js_files if js_files else []
[docs] def render(self, context, request=None): """Render component""" context['component'] = self context.update(self.context) self.context = context self.request = request return render_to_string(self.template_name, context, request)
[docs]class HtmlTagWrapper(Component): """HtmlTagWrapper wraps given component in given html tag""" template_name = 'trionyx/components/html_tag.html' tag: str = 'div' """Html tag nam""" attr: Dict[str, str] = {} """Dict with html attributes""" valid_attr: List[str] = [] """Valid attributes that can be used""" color_class: str = '' """When color is set the will be used as class example: btn btn-{color}""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize HtmlTagWrapper""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.attr = self.attr.copy() if self.attr else {} if 'css_class' in kwargs: kwargs['class'] = kwargs.pop('css_class') elif 'color' in kwargs: self.attr['class'] = self.color_class.format(color=kwargs['color']) kwargs.pop('class', None) elif self.color_class: self.attr['class'] = self.color_class.format(color=Colors.THEME) kwargs.pop('class', None) if self.css_id: self.attr['id'] = self.css_id for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in self.valid_attr or key == 'class': self.attr[key] = value
[docs] def get_attr_text(self): """Get html attr text to render in template""" return ' '.join([ '{}="{}"'.format(key, value) for key, value in self.attr.items() ])
[docs]class OnclickTag(HtmlTagWrapper): """HTML tag with onlick for url or dialog""" valid_attr = ['onClick'] def __init__( self, *components, url=None, model_url=None, model_params=None, model_code=None, sidebar=False, dialog=False, dialog_options=None, dialog_reload_tab=None, dialog_reload_sidebar=False, dialog_reload_layout=False, **options ): """Init tag""" super().__init__(*components, **options) self.url = url self.model_url = model_url self.model_code = model_code self.model_params = model_params self.sidebar = sidebar self.dialog = dialog self.dialog_options = dialog_options if dialog_options else {} self.on_click = options.get('onClick', False) self.dialog_reload_layout = dialog_reload_layout self.dialog_reload_tab = dialog_reload_tab self.dialog_reload_sidebar = dialog_reload_sidebar self.model_url = 'sidebar' if sidebar and not self.model_url else self.model_url self.model_url = 'dialog-edit' if dialog and not self.model_url else self.model_url
[docs] def updated(self): """Set onClick url based on object""" reload_functions = '' if self.dialog_reload_layout: reload_functions += "txUpdateLayout('{id}', '{component}');".format( id=self.layout_id, component=self.dialog_reload_layout if isinstance(self.dialog_reload_layout, str) else '' ) if self.dialog_reload_tab: dialog_reload_tab = self.dialog_reload_tab if isinstance(self.dialog_reload_tab, list) else [self.dialog_reload_tab] reload_functions += ''.join([f"trionyx_reload_tab('{tab}');" for tab in dialog_reload_tab]) if self.dialog_reload_sidebar: reload_functions += "reloadSidebar();" if reload_functions: self.dialog_options['callback'] = f"""function(data, dialog){{ if (data.success) {{ dialog.close(); {reload_functions} }} }}""" if not self.on_click: from trionyx.urls import model_url url = model_url( model=self.object, view_name=self.model_url, code=self.model_code, params=self.model_params ) if not self.url else self.url if not url and hasattr(self.object, 'get_absolute_url'): url = self.object.get_absolute_url() if self.dialog: self.attr['onClick'] = "openDialog('{}', {}); return false;".format(url, self.format_dialog_options()) elif self.sidebar: self.attr['onClick'] = "openSidebar('{}'); return false;".format(url) else: self.attr['onClick'] = "window.location.href='{}'; return false;".format(url)
[docs] def format_dialog_options(self): """Fromat options to JS dict""" return '{{ {} }}'.format(','.join( ("{}:{}" if key == 'callback' else "{}:'{}'").format(key, value) for key, value in self.dialog_options.items()))
[docs]class Html(HtmlTagWrapper): """Renders html in a tag when set""" template_name = 'trionyx/components/html.html' tag = '' def __init__(self, html=None, **kwargs): """Init Html""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.html = html
[docs]class Field(Html): """Render single field from object""" tag = 'span' def __init__(self, field, renderer=None, format=None, **options): """Init Field""" super().__init__(**options) self.field = field self.renderer = renderer self.format = format if format else '{0}'
[docs] def updated(self): """Update html""" from trionyx.renderer import renderer if self.renderer: value = self.renderer(getattr(self.object, self.field), data_object=self.object) else: value = renderer.render_field(self.object, self.field) self.html = self.format.format(value)
[docs]class Img(Html): """Img tag""" tag = 'img' valid_attr = ['src', 'width', 'class'] attr = { 'width': '100%', }
# ============================================================================= # Bootstrap grid system # =============================================================================
[docs]class Container(HtmlTagWrapper): """Bootstrap container""" attr = { 'class': 'container-fluid' }
[docs]class Row(HtmlTagWrapper): """Bootstrap row""" attr = { 'class': 'row' }
[docs]class Column(HtmlTagWrapper): """Bootstrap Column""" size = 'md' columns = 1 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize Column""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.attr['class'] = '-'.join(x for x in ['col', str(self.size), str(self.columns)] if x)
[docs]class Column2(Column): """Bootstrap Column 2""" columns = 2
[docs]class Column3(Column): """Bootstrap Column 3""" columns = 3
[docs]class Column4(Column): """Bootstrap Column 4""" columns = 4
[docs]class Column5(Column): """Bootstrap Column 5""" columns = 5
[docs]class Column6(Column): """Bootstrap Column 6""" columns = 6
[docs]class Column7(Column): """Bootstrap Column 7""" columns = 7
[docs]class Column8(Column): """Bootstrap Column 8""" columns = 8
[docs]class Column9(Column): """Bootstrap Column 9""" columns = 9
[docs]class Column10(Column): """Bootstrap Column 10""" columns = 10
[docs]class Column11(Column): """Bootstrap Column 11""" columns = 11
[docs]class Column12(Column): """Bootstrap Column 12""" columns = 12
# ============================================================================= # Bootstrap elements # =============================================================================
[docs]class Badge(HtmlTagWrapper): """Bootstrap badge""" tag = 'span' valid_attr = ['class'] color_class = 'badge bg-{color}' def __init__(self, value, **kwargs): """Init badge""" value = value if isinstance(value, Component) else Html(value) super().__init__(value, **kwargs)
[docs]class Alert(Html): """Bootstrap alert""" INFO = 'info' SUCCESS = 'success' WARNING = 'warning' DANGER = 'danger' tag = 'div' color_class = 'alert alert-{color}' def __init__(self, html, alert='success', no_margin=False, **options): """Init alert""" options.pop('color', None) super().__init__(html, color=alert, **options) if no_margin: self.attr['class'] += ' no-margin'
[docs]class ButtonGroup(HtmlTagWrapper): """Bootstrap button group""" valid_attr = ['class'] attr = { 'class': 'btn-group' }
[docs]class Button(OnclickTag): """Bootstrap button""" tag = 'button' valid_attr = ['onClick', 'class'] color_class = 'btn btn-flat bg-{color}' def __init__(self, label, **options): """Init button""" super().__init__(Html(label), **options)
[docs]class Thumbnail(OnclickTag): """Bootstrap Thumbnail""" tag = 'a' attr = { 'href': '#', 'class': 'thumbnail' } def __init__(self, src, **options): """Init thumbnail""" super().__init__(Img(src=src), **options)
[docs]class Input(Html): """Input tag""" template_name = 'trionyx/components/input.html' valid_attr = ['name', 'value', 'type', 'placeholder', 'class'] attr = { 'type': 'text', 'class': 'form-control', } def __init__(self, form_field=None, has_error=False, **kwargs): """Init input""" super().__init__(None, **kwargs) self.has_error = has_error if form_field: self.attr['name'] = self.attr['value'] = form_field.value() self.has_error = form_field.errors if 'value' in self.attr and self.attr['value'] is None: self.attr['value'] = ''
[docs]class Panel(Component): """ Bootstrap panel available options - title - footer_components - collapse - contextual: primary, success, info, warning, danger """ template_name = 'trionyx/components/panel.html' collapse = True def __init__(self, title, *components, **options): """Init Panel""" super().__init__(*components, **options) self.title = title
[docs] def set_object(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set object on component""" super().set_object(*args, **kwargs) if self.title and isinstance(self.title, Component): self.title.set_object(*args, *kwargs)
[docs]class DescriptionList(Component, ComponentFieldsMixin): """ Bootstrap description, fields are the params. available options - horizontal """ template_name = 'trionyx/components/description_list.html' horizontal = True no_data_message = "There is no data" def __init__(self, *fields, **options): """Init panel""" super().__init__(**options) self.fields = fields
[docs]class UnorderedList(Html, ComponentFieldsMixin): """Unordered list""" tag = 'ul' def __init__(self, *fields, objects=None, **options): """Init list""" super().__init__('', **options) self.objects = objects self.fields = fields
[docs] def updated(self): """Set html with rendered fields""" if self.objects: values = [item[0]['value'] for item in self.get_rendered_objects()] else: values = [item['value'] for item in self.get_rendered_object()] sublist_indexes = { field['__index__']: field['label'] for field in self.get_fields() if isinstance(field.get('value'), UnorderedList) } self.html = ''.join('<li>{label}{value}</li>'.format( label=sublist_indexes.get(index, ''), value=value ) for index, value in enumerate(values))
[docs]class OrderedList(UnorderedList): """Ordered list""" tag = 'ol'
[docs]class ProgressBar(Component): """Bootstrap progressbar, fields are the params""" template_name = 'trionyx/components/progressbar.html' def __init__(self, field='', value=0, max_value=100, size='md', striped=False, active=False, **options): """Init progressbar""" super().__init__(**options) self.field = field self.max_value = max_value self.value = value self.color = options.get('color', 'theme') self.striped = striped or active self.size = size = active self.show_text = size not in ['sm', 'xs', 'xxs']
[docs] def updated(self): """Set value with rendered field""" self.value = round((getattr(self.object, self.field, self.value) / self.max_value) * 100)
[docs]class TableDescription(Component, ComponentFieldsMixin): """Bootstrap table description, fields are the params""" template_name = 'trionyx/components/table_description.html' fields_options = { 'width': { 'default': '150px', } } def __init__(self, *fields, **options): """Init panel""" super().__init__(**options) self.fields = fields
[docs]class Table(Component, ComponentFieldsMixin): """ Bootstrap table footer: array with first items array/queryset and other items are the fields, Same way how the constructor works """ template_name = 'trionyx/components/table.html' def __init__(self, objects, *fields, css_class='table', header=True, condensed=True, hover=False, striped=False, bordered=False, **options): """Init Table""" footer = options.pop('footer', None) super().__init__(**options) css_class = f'{css_class} table-condensed' if condensed else css_class css_class = f'{css_class} table-hover' if hover else css_class css_class = f'{css_class} table-striped' if striped else css_class css_class = f'{css_class} table-bordered' if bordered else css_class self.css_class = css_class self.objects = objects """Can be string with field name relation, Queryset or list""" self.fields = fields self.header = header self.footer_objects = footer[0] if footer else None """Can be string with field name relation, Queryset or list""" self.footer_fields = footer[1:] if footer else []
[docs]class Chart(Component, ComponentFieldsMixin): """Chart component""" chart_type = '' template_name = "trionyx/components/chart.html" css_files = ['plugins/chartjs/Chart.min.css'] js_files = ['plugins/chartjs/Chart.min.js'] def __init__(self, objects, *fields, **options): """Init Chart""" options['id'] = options.pop('id', utils.random_string(8)) super().__init__(**options) self.chart_data = {} self.chart_scales = {} self.height = options.get('height', '300px') self.options = options self.objects = objects """Can be string with field name relation, Queryset or list""" self.fields = fields # Set all colors from, default first color is theme self.colors = { 'blue': { 'fill': 'rgba(60, 141, 188, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(60, 141, 188, 1)', }, 'yellow': { 'fill': 'rgba(243, 156, 18, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(243, 156, 18, 1)', }, 'green': { 'fill': 'rgba(0, 166, 90, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(0, 166, 90, 1)', }, 'purple': { 'fill': 'rgba(96, 92, 168, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(96, 92, 168, 1)', }, 'red': { 'fill': 'rgba(221, 75, 57, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(221, 75, 57, 1)', }, 'black': { 'fill': 'rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(17, 17, 17, 1)', }, } self.color_order = ['blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'purple', 'red', 'black'] self.theme_color = tx_settings.THEME_COLOR.replace('-light', '')
[docs] def get_json_value(self, value): """Get json value""" if issubclass(value.__class__, (int, float, str, bool)): return value if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): return float(value) if isinstance(value, return time.mktime(value.timetuple()) * 1000 return str(value)
[docs] def get_colors(self, size, color_type): """Get colors""" colors = [] if self.theme_color in self.colors: colors.append(self.colors[self.theme_color][color_type]) for name, color_types in self.colors.items(): if len(colors) >= size: break if name == self.theme_color: continue colors.append(color_types[color_type]) return colors
[docs] def get_color(self, index, color_type): """Get color""" return self.get_colors(10, color_type)[index]
[docs]class LineChart(Chart): """LineChart""" chart_type = 'line'
[docs] def updated(self): """Set chart data and scales""" fields = self.get_fields() items = self.get_objects() self.chart_data = { 'labels': [self.get_json_value(self.get_value(fields[0], item)) for item in items], 'datasets': [ { 'label': fields[index]['label'], 'backgroundColor': self.get_color(index - 1, 'fill'), 'borderColor': self.get_color(index - 1, 'stroke'), 'fill': self.options.get('fill', True), 'data': [{ 'x': self.get_json_value(self.get_value(fields[0], item)), 'y': self.get_json_value(self.get_value(fields[index], item)), 'label': self.render_field(fields[index], item), } for item in items], } for index in range(1, len(fields)) ], } if items and isinstance(self.get_value(fields[0], items[0]), unit = 'hour' if isinstance(self.get_value(fields[0], items[0]), datetime.datetime) else 'day' self.chart_scales = { 'xAxes': [{ 'type': 'time', 'autoSkip': False, 'time': { 'unit': self.options.get('time_unit', unit), 'unitStepSize': self.options.get('time_unit_step_size', 1), }, }] }
[docs]class BarChart(LineChart): """BarChart""" chart_type = 'bar'
[docs]class PieChart(Chart): """BarChart""" chart_type = 'pie'
[docs] def updated(self): """Set chart data and scales""" fields = self.get_fields() items = self.get_objects() self.chart_data = { 'labels': [self.render_field(fields[0], item) for item in items], 'datasets': [{ 'label': fields[1]['label'], 'data': [self.get_json_value(self.get_value(fields[1], item)) for item in items], 'backgroundColor': self.get_colors(len(items), 'fill'), 'borderColor': self.get_colors(len(items), 'stroke'), 'borderWidth': 1, }] }
[docs]class DoughnutChart(PieChart): """BarChart""" chart_type = 'doughnut'