Source code for trionyx.widgets


:copyright: 2019 by Maikel Martens
:license: GPLv3
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, ClassVar, Type, Optional

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone
from django.http.request import HttpRequest
from django.templatetags.static import static
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.forms import Form
from trionyx.trionyx.models import AuditLogEntry
from trionyx.renderer import renderer
from trionyx.config import models_config
from trionyx.trionyx.forms import AuditlogWidgetForm, TotalSummaryWidgetForm, GraphWidgetForm
from trionyx.models import Sum, filter_queryset_with_user_filters, Count
from trionyx.utils import get_current_request
from trionyx import utils
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

widgets: Dict[str, 'BaseWidget'] = {}

class WidgetDataRegister:
    """Class where widget data can be registered"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.widget_data = defaultdict(dict)

    def register(self, widget, data_code, data_name, permission=None, **options):
        """Add data to register"""
        def wrapper(data_function):
            self.widget_data[widget.code][data_code] = {
                'name': data_name,
                'permission': permission,
                'function': data_function,
                'options': options,
            return data_function
        return wrapper

    def get_all_data(self, widget):
        """Get all data"""
        user = getattr(get_current_request(), 'user', False) if get_current_request() else None
        return {
            name: data
            for name, data in self.widget_data.get(widget.code, {}).items()
            if (
                user and data['permission'] and user.has_perm(data['permission'])
            ) or (not user or not data['permission'])

    def get_data(self, widget, code):
        """Get data"""
        user = getattr(get_current_request(), 'user', False) if get_current_request() else None
        data = self.widget_data[widget.code].get(code)

        if user and data and data['permission']:
            return data if user.has_perm(data['permission']) else {}

        return data

widget_data = WidgetDataRegister()
register_data = widget_data.register

class MetaClass(type):
    """MetaClass for widget"""

    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs):
        """Auto register new widget cass"""
        newclass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs)
        if clsname != 'BaseWidget':
            widgets[newclass.code] = newclass
        return newclass

[docs]class BaseWidget(metaclass=MetaClass): """ Base widget to extend for creating custom widgets. Custom widgets are created in `` in root of app folder. **Example of random widget:** .. code-block:: python # <app dir>/ RandomWidget(BaseWidget): code = 'random' name = 'Random widget' description = 'Shows random string' def get_data(self, request, config): return utils.random_string(16) .. code-block:: html <!-- template path: widgets/random.html --> <script type="text/x-template" id="widget-random-template"> <div :class="widgetClass"> <div class="box-header with-border"> <!-- Get title from config, your form fields are also available in the config --> <h3 class="box-title">[[widget.config.title]]</h3> </div> <!-- /.box-header --> <div class="box-body"> <!-- vue data property will be filled with the get_data results method ---> [[data]] </div> </div> </script> <script> <!-- The component must be called `widget-<code>` --> Vue.component('widget-random', { mixins: [TxWidgetMixin], template: '#widget-random-template', }); </script> """ code: ClassVar[str] """Code for widget""" permission: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None """Permission to use this widget""" name: ClassVar[str] = '' """Name for widget is also used as default title""" description: ClassVar[str] = '' """Short description on what the widget does""" config_form_class: ClassVar[Optional[Type[Form]]] = None """Form class used to change the widget. The form cleaned_data is used as the config""" default_width: ClassVar[int] = 4 """Default width of widget, is based on grid system with max 12 columns""" default_height: ClassVar[int] = 20 """Default height of widget, each step is 10px""" fixed_width: Optional[int] = None """Set a fixed width for widget""" fixed_height: Optional[int] = None """Set a fixed height for widget""" is_resizable: Optional[bool] = None """Is widget resizable""" @property def template(self) -> str: """Template path `widgets/{code}.html` overwrite to set custom path""" return 'widgets/{code}.html'.format(code=self.code) @property def image(self) -> str: """Image path `img/widgets/{code}.jpg` overwrite to set custom path""" return 'img/widgets/{code}.jpg'.format(code=self.code)
[docs] def get_data(self, request: HttpRequest, config: dict): """Get data for widget, function needs te be overwritten on widget implementation""" return None
@property def config_fields(self) -> List[str]: """Get the config field names""" if not self.config_form_class: return [] fields = list(self.config_form_class().base_fields) # type: ignore for field in list(self.config_form_class().declared_fields): # type: ignore if field not in fields: fields.append(field) return fields
[docs] @staticmethod def is_enabled() -> bool: """Determine if widget is enabled""" return True
[docs] @classmethod def is_visible(cls, request) -> bool: """Check if widget is visible for given request""" user = getattr(request, 'user', False) visible = cls.is_enabled() if user and cls.permission: visible = visible and user.has_perm(cls.permission) return visible
class AuditlogWidget(BaseWidget): """Auditlog widget""" code = 'auditlog' name = _('Latest actions') description = _('Show the latest tracked actions done by users and the system') config_form_class = AuditlogWidgetForm default_height = 22 @staticmethod def is_enabled(): """Determine if AuditlogWidget is enabled""" return not settings.TX_DISABLE_AUDITLOG def get_data(self, request: HttpRequest, config: dict) -> List[dict]: """Get data for widget""" content_type_ids = [ for model, content_type in ContentType.objects.get_for_models(*[ config.model for config in models_config.get_all_configs(False) if request.user.has_perm('{app_label}.view_{model_name}'.format( app_label=config.app_label, model_name=config.model_name, ).lower()) ]).items()] logs = AuditLogEntry.objects.filter(content_type__in=content_type_ids).prefetch_related('user') show = config.get('show', 'all') if show != 'all': logs = logs.filter(user__isnull=show == 'system') return [ { 'user_full_name': log.user.get_full_name() if log.user else _('System'), 'user_avatar': log.user.avatar.url if log.user and log.user.avatar else static('img/avatar.png'), 'action': renderer.render_field(log, 'action'), 'object': '({}) {}'.format( str(log.content_type.model_class()._meta.verbose_name).capitalize(), # type: ignore log.object_verbose_name), 'object_url': log.content_object.get_absolute_url() if log.content_object else '', 'created_at': renderer.render_field(log, 'created_at'), } for log in logs.order_by('-created_at')[:6] ] # Total summary widget # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TotalSummaryWidget(BaseWidget): """Total summary widget""" code = 'total_summary' name = _('Total summary') description = _('Show total for given field on given period') config_form_class = TotalSummaryWidgetForm fixed_height = 5 def get_data(self, request: HttpRequest, config: dict) -> str: """Get data""" if config.get('source', '__custom__') != '__custom__': func = widget_data.get_data(self, config.get('source')).get('function', lambda config: '-') return func(config) try: ModelClass = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(config.get('model', -1)).model_class() except ContentType.DoesNotExist: return '-' if not ModelClass: return '' model_config = models_config.get_config(ModelClass) if not model_config.has_permission('view'): return '-' query = ModelClass.objects.get_queryset() if config.get('filters'): query = filter_queryset_with_user_filters(query, json.loads(config['filters'])) if config.get('period', 'all') != 'all': today =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) query = query.filter(**{ 'year': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today.replace(month=1, day=1) }, 'month': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today.replace(day=1) }, 'week': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(today.weekday()) }, 'day': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today }, '365days': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(days=365) }, '30days': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(days=30) }, '7days': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(days=7) }, }.get(config['period'], {})) if config.get('field', '__count__') == '__count__': return renderer.render_value(query.count()) else: result = query.aggregate(sum=Sum(config['field'])) return renderer.render_field(ModelClass(**{config['field']: result['sum']}), config['field']) @register_data( TotalSummaryWidget, 'online_users_today', _('Unique users today'), icon='fa fa-user', color='purple', permission='trionyx.view_user') def total_online_users(config): """Get total online users""" return get_user_model().objects.filter(, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) ).count() # Total summary widget # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GraphWidget(BaseWidget): """Graph widget""" code = 'graph' name = _('Graph') description = _('Graph a sum of field or item count over given timeline') config_form_class = GraphWidgetForm default_height = 20 colors = { 'light-blue': { 'fill': 'rgba(60, 141, 188, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(60, 141, 188, 1)', }, 'aqua': { 'fill': 'rgba(0, 192, 239, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(0, 192, 239, 1)', }, 'green': { 'fill': 'rgba(0, 166, 90, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(0, 166, 90, 1)', }, 'yellow': { 'fill': 'rgba(243, 156, 18, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(243, 156, 18, 1)', }, 'red': { 'fill': 'rgba(221, 75, 57, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(221, 75, 57, 1)', }, 'gray': { 'fill': 'rgba(210, 214, 222, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(210, 214, 222, 1)', }, 'navy': { 'fill': 'rgba(0, 31, 63, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(0, 31, 63, 1)', }, 'teal': { 'fill': 'rgba(57, 204, 204, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(57, 204, 204, 1)', }, 'purple': { 'fill': 'rgba(96, 92, 168, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(96, 92, 168, 1)', }, 'orange': { 'fill': 'rgba(255, 133, 27, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(255, 133, 27, 1)', }, 'maroon': { 'fill': 'rgba(216, 27, 96, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(216, 27, 96, 1)', }, 'black': { 'fill': 'rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.2)', 'stroke': 'rgba(17, 17, 17, 1)', }, } @classmethod def get_color(cls, color, color_type): """Get color""" color = color if color in cls.colors else 'light-blue' color_type = color_type if color_type in ['fill', 'stroke'] else 'stroke' return cls.colors[color][color_type] def get_data(self, request: HttpRequest, config: dict): """Get graph data""" if config.get('source', '__custom__') != '__custom__': func = widget_data.get_data(self, config.get('source')).get('function', lambda config: None) return func(config) try: ModelClass = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(config.get('model', -1)).model_class() except ContentType.DoesNotExist: return None if not ModelClass: return None from django.db.models.functions import ExtractMinute, ExtractHour, ExtractDay, ExtractWeek, ExtractMonth, ExtractYear interval_field = config.get('interval_field', 'created_at') query = ModelClass.objects.get_queryset().annotate( widget_minute=ExtractMinute(interval_field), widget_hour=ExtractHour(interval_field), widget_day=ExtractDay(interval_field), widget_week=ExtractWeek(interval_field), widget_month=ExtractMonth(interval_field), widget_year=ExtractYear(interval_field) ) if config.get('filters'): query = filter_queryset_with_user_filters(query, json.loads(config['filters'])) if config.get('interval_period') == 'minute': query = query.values('widget_minute', 'widget_hour', 'widget_day', 'widget_month', 'widget_year').order_by( '-widget_year', '-widget_month', '-widget_day', '-widget_hour', '-widget_minute') elif config.get('interval_period') == 'hour': query = query.values('widget_hour', 'widget_day', 'widget_month', 'widget_year').order_by( '-widget_year', '-widget_month', '-widget_day', '-widget_hour') elif config.get('interval_period') == 'day': query = query.values('widget_day', 'widget_month', 'widget_year').order_by( '-widget_year', '-widget_month', '-widget_day') elif config.get('interval_period') == 'week': query = query.values('widget_week', 'widget_year').order_by( '-widget_year', '-widget_week') elif config.get('interval_period') == 'month': query = query.values('widget_month', 'widget_year').order_by( '-widget_year', '-widget_month') elif config.get('interval_period') == 'year': query = query.values('widget_year').order_by('-widget_year') query = query.annotate(widget_count=Count('id')) model_config = models_config.get_config(ModelClass) only_count = config.get('field', '__count__') == '__count__' if only_count: label = model_config.get_verbose_name() + ' ' + str(_('Count')) else: query = query.annotate(widget_value=Sum(config['field'])) label = _('Sum of {objects} {field}'.format( objects=model_config.get_verbose_name_plural(), field=model_config.get_field(config['field']).verbose_name )) results = list(reversed(query[:30])) if not results: return False def row_to_date(row): """Based on row generate a date""" import datetime if config.get('interval_period') == 'week': return datetime.datetime.strptime('{}-W{}-1'.format( row.get('widget_year'), row.get('widget_week', 1) - 1, ), "%Y-W%W-%w").strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return datetime.datetime( year=row.get('widget_year'), month=row.get('widget_month', 1), day=row.get('widget_day', 1), hour=row.get('widget_hour', 0), minute=row.get('widget_minute', 0) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') datasets = [] y_axes = [{ 'id': 'y-axis-2', 'type': 'linear', 'position': 'right' if not only_count else 'left', 'gridLines': { 'drawOnChartArea': False, }, 'ticks': { 'suggestedMax': float(max([row['widget_count'] for row in results])) * (1.5 if not only_count else 1.10), 'suggestedMin': 0, } }] if not only_count: field_renderer = renderer.renderers.get(type(model_config.get_field(config['field'])), lambda x: str(x)) datasets.append({ 'label': label, 'backgroundColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'fill'), 'borderColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'stroke'), 'pointBorderColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'stroke'), 'pointBackgroundColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'stroke'), 'fill': True, 'pointRadius': 4, 'data': [{ 'x': row_to_date(row), 'y': row.get('widget_value'), 'label': field_renderer(row.get('widget_value')), } for row in results], 'yAxisID': 'y-axis-1', }) y_axes.append({ 'id': 'y-axis-1', 'type': 'linear', 'position': 'left', 'gridLines': { 'drawOnChartArea': False, }, 'ticks': { 'suggestedMax': float(max([row['widget_value'] for row in results])) * 1.10, 'suggestedMin': 0, } }) datasets.append({ 'label': str(_('Number of {objects}')).format(objects=model_config.get_verbose_name_plural()), 'backgroundColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'fill') if only_count else 'rgba(211, 211, 211, 0.2)', 'borderColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'stroke') if only_count else 'rgba(211, 211, 211, 1)', 'pointBorderColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'stroke') if only_count else 'rgba(211, 211, 211, 1)', 'pointBackgroundColor': self.get_color(config.get('color'), 'stroke') if only_count else 'rgba(211, 211, 211, 1)', 'fill': True, 'pointRadius': 4, 'data': [row.get('widget_count') for row in results], 'yAxisID': 'y-axis-2', }) return { 'scales': { 'xAxes': [{ 'type': 'time', 'autoSkip': True, 'distribution': 'linear', 'time': { 'unit': config.get('interval_period', 'day'), 'stepSize': 1, 'tooltipFormat': utils.datetime_format_to_momentjs(utils.get_datetime_input_format( date_only=config.get('interval_period') not in ['minute', 'hour'] )) }, }], 'yAxes': y_axes, }, 'data': { 'labels': [row_to_date(row) for row in results], 'datasets': datasets, } }