Source code for trionyx.config


:copyright: 2017 by Maikel Martens
:license: GPLv3
import inspect
from functools import reduce
from typing import Optional, Generator, Union

from django.apps import apps
from django.urls import reverse
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Field, Model

TX_MODEL_OVERWRITES = {key.lower(): value.lower() for key, value in settings.TX_MODEL_OVERWRITES.items()}

[docs]class ModelConfig: """ ModelConfig holds all config related to a model that is used for trionyx functionality. Model configs are auto loaded from the apps config file. In the apps config class create a class with same name as model and set appropriate config as class attribute. .. code-block:: python # class BlogConfig(BaseConfig): ... # Example config for Category model class Category: verbose_name = '{name}' list_default_fields = ['id', 'created_at', 'name'] list_search_fields = ['name', 'description'] """ menu_name = None """Menu name, default is model verbose_name_plural""" menu_order = None """Menu order""" menu_exclude = False """Exclude model from menu""" menu_root = False """Add menu item to root instead of under the app menu""" menu_icon = None """Menu css icon, is ony used when root menu item""" global_search = True """Enable global search for model""" disable_search_index = False """Disable search index, use full for model with no list view but with allot of records""" search_fields = () """Fields to use for searching, default is all CharField and TextField""" search_exclude_fields = () """Fields you don't want to use for search""" search_title = None """ Search title of model works the same as `verbose_name`, defaults to __str__. Is given high priority in search and is used in global search """ search_description = None """ Search description of model works the same as `verbose_name`, default is empty, Is given medium priority and is used in global search page """ list_fields = None """ Customise the available fields for model list view, default all model fields are available. list_fields is an array of dict with the field description, the following options are available: - **field**: Model field name (is used for sort and getting value if no renderer is supplied) - **label**: Column name in list view, if not set verbose_name of model field is used - **renderer**: function(model, field) that returns a JSON serializable date, when not set model field is used. .. code-block:: python list_fields = [ { 'field': 'first_name', 'label': 'Real first name', 'renderer': lambda model field: model.first_name.upper() } ] """ list_default_fields = None """Array of fields that default is used in form list""" list_select_related = None """Array of fields to add foreign-key relationships to query, use this for relations that are used in search or renderer""" list_default_sort = '-pk' """Default sort field for list view""" api_fields = None """Fields used in API model serializer, fallback on fields used in create and edit forms""" api_disable = False """Disable API for model""" verbose_name = "{model_name}({id})" """ Verbose name used for displaying model, default value is "{model_name}({id})" format can be used to get model attributes value, there are two extra values supplied: - app_label: App name - model_name: Class name of model """ view_header_buttons = None """ List with button configurations to be displayed in view header bar .. code-block:: python view_header_buttons = [ { 'label': 'Send email', # string or function 'url': lambda obj : reverse('', kwargs={'pk':}), # string or function 'type': 'default', 'show': lambda obj, alias : True, # Function that gives True or False if button must be displayed 'modal': True, } ] """ disable_add = False """Disable add for this model""" disable_change = False """Disable change for this model""" disable_delete = False """Disable delete for this model""" auditlog_disable = False """Disable auditlog for this model""" auditlog_ignore_fields = None """Auditlog fields to be ignored""" hide_permissions = False """Dont show model in permissions tree, prevent clutter from internal models""" def __init__(self, model: Model, MetaConfig=None): """Init config""" self.model = model self.app_config = apps.get_app_config(model._meta.app_label) self.app_label = model._meta.app_label self.model_name = model._meta.model_name self.__changed = {} if MetaConfig: for key, value in MetaConfig.__dict__.items(): if key.startswith('_'): continue setattr(self, key, value) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Add attribute to changed list""" try: self.__changed[name] = True except Exception: # Ignore errors from __init__ that __changed does not exists pass super().__setattr__(name, value) def __getattr__(self, item): """Get attribute and returns null if not set""" try: return super().__getattr__(item) except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def get_app_verbose_name(self, title: bool = True) -> str: """Get app verbose name""" return str(self.app_config.verbose_name).title() if title else str(self.app_config.verbose_name)
[docs] def get_verbose_name(self, title: bool = True) -> str: """Get class verbose name""" return str( self.model._meta.verbose_name ).title() if title else str(self.model._meta.verbose_name).lower()
[docs] def get_verbose_name_plural(self, title: bool = True) -> str: """Get class plural verbose name""" return str( self.model._meta.verbose_name_plural ).title() if title else str(self.model._meta.verbose_name_plural).lower()
@property def is_trionyx_model(self) -> bool: """Check if config is for Trionyx model""" from trionyx.models import BaseModel return isinstance(self.model(), BaseModel)
[docs] def has_config(self, name: str) -> bool: """Check if config is set""" return name in self.__changed
[docs] def get_field(self, field_name): """Get model field by name""" return self.model._meta.get_field(field_name)
[docs] def get_fields(self, inlcude_base: bool = False, include_id: bool = False): """Get model fields""" for field in self.model._meta.fields: if == 'deleted': continue if not include_id and == 'id': continue if not inlcude_base and in ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'created_by', 'verbose_name']: continue yield field
[docs] def get_url(self, view_name: str, model: Model = None, code: str = None) -> str: """Get url for model""" from trionyx.urls import model_url return model_url( model if model else self.model, view_name, code )
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self, model: Model) -> str: """Get model url""" return reverse('trionyx:model-view', kwargs={ 'app': model._meta.app_label, 'model': model._meta.model_name, 'pk': })
[docs] def get_list_fields(self) -> [dict]: """Get all list fields""" from trionyx.renderer import renderer model_fields = { f for f in self.get_fields(True, True)} def create_list_fields(config_fields, list_fields=None): list_fields = list_fields if list_fields else {} for field_config in config_fields: config = field_config if isinstance(field_config, str): config = {'field': field_config} if 'field' not in config: raise Exception("Field config is missing field: {}".format(config)) field_model_config = self field_parts = config['field'].split('__') if len(field_parts) > 1: related_class = reduce( lambda obj, field: getattr(obj, field).field.related_model, field_parts[:-1], self.model) field_model_config = models_config.get_config(related_class) field = field_model_config.get_field(field_parts[-1]) elif config['field'] in model_fields: field = model_fields[config['field']] else: field = None if 'label' not in config: label = field.verbose_name if field else config['field'] label = '{} {}'.format(field_model_config.get_verbose_name(), label) if len(field_parts) > 1 else label config['label'] = label if 'renderer' not in config: config['renderer'] = renderer.render_field if 'type' not in config and field: config['type'] = self.get_field_type(field) if 'choices' not in config and field: config['choices'] = field.choices config['choices_url'] = field_model_config.get_url('list-choices') list_fields[config['field']] = config return list_fields list_fields = create_list_fields(model_fields.keys()) if self.list_fields: list_fields = create_list_fields(self.list_fields, list_fields) return list_fields
[docs] def get_field_type(self, field: Field) -> str: """Get field type base on model field class""" from trionyx import models if isinstance(field, (models.CharField, models.TextField, models.EmailField)): return 'text' elif isinstance(field, (models.IntegerField, models.AutoField)): return 'int' elif isinstance(field, (models.DecimalField, models.FloatField)): return 'float' elif isinstance(field, models.BooleanField): return 'bool' elif isinstance(field, models.DateTimeField): return 'datetime' elif isinstance(field, models.DateField): return 'date' elif isinstance(field, (models.ForeignKey, models.OneToOneField)): return 'related'
class Models: """Holds all model configs""" def __init__(self): """Init models""" self.configs = {} def auto_load_configs(self): """Auto load all configs from app configs""" from trionyx.models import BaseModel for app in apps.get_app_configs(): for model in app.get_models(): config = ModelConfig(model, getattr(app, model.__name__, None)) if not isinstance(config.model(), BaseModel): config.disable_search_index = True self.configs[self.get_model_name(model)] = config # Merge not set configs from overwrites for old, new in TX_MODEL_OVERWRITES.items(): old_config = self.configs[old] new_config = self.configs[new] for key, value in old_config.__dict__.items(): if ( key.startswith('_') or key in ['model', 'app_config', 'app_label', 'model_name'] or new_config.has_config(key) ): continue setattr(new_config, key, value) # Update configs from settings for model_name, config in TX_MODEL_CONFIGS.items(): for key, value in config.items(): setattr(self.configs[model_name], key, value) def get_config(self, model: Union[str, Model]) -> Optional[ModelConfig]: """Get config for given model""" if not inspect.isclass(model) and not isinstance(model, str): model = model.__class__ name = self.get_model_name(model) name = TX_MODEL_OVERWRITES.get(name) if name in TX_MODEL_OVERWRITES else name return self.configs.get(name) def get_all_configs(self, trionyx_models_only: bool = True) -> Generator[ModelConfig, None, None]: """Get all model configs""" from trionyx.models import BaseModel for index, config in self.configs.items(): if self.get_model_name(config.model) in TX_MODEL_OVERWRITES: continue if trionyx_models_only and not isinstance(config.model(), BaseModel): continue yield config def get_model_name(self, model: Union[str, Model]) -> str: """Get model name for given model""" if isinstance(model, str): return model.lower() return '{}.{}'.format(model._meta.app_label, model._meta.model_name).lower() def get_all_models(self, user: Optional["trionyx.trionyx.models.User"] = None, trionyx_models_only: bool = True): """Get all user models""" for config in self.get_all_configs(trionyx_models_only): if config.app_label == 'trionyx' and config.model_name in ['session', 'auditlogentry', 'log', 'logentry', 'userattribute']: continue if user and user.has_perm('{app_label}.view_{model_name}'.format( app_label=config.app_label, model_name=config.model_name, ).lower()): yield config.model elif not user: yield config.model models_config = Models()