Source code for trionyx.widgets


:copyright: 2019 by Maikel Martens
:license: GPLv3
import json

from django.utils import timezone
from django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags.staticfiles import static
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from trionyx.trionyx.models import AuditLogEntry
from trionyx.renderer import renderer
from trionyx.config import models_config
from trionyx.trionyx.forms import AuditlogWidgetForm, TotalSummaryWidgetForm
from trionyx.models import Sum, filter_queryset_with_user_filters
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

widgets = {}

class MetaClass(type):
    """MetaClass for widget"""

    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs):
        """Auto register new widget cass"""
        newclass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs)
        if clsname != 'BaseWidget':
            widgets[newclass.code] = newclass
        return newclass

[docs]class BaseWidget(metaclass=MetaClass): """ Base widget to extend for creating custom widgets. Custom widgets are created in `` in root of app folder. **Example of random widget:** .. code-block:: python # <app dir>/ RandomWidget(BaseWidget): code = 'random' name = 'Random widget' description = 'Shows random string' def get_data(self, request, config): return utils.random_string(16) .. code-block:: html <!-- template path: widgets/random.html --> <script type="text/x-template" id="widget-random-template"> <div :class="widgetClass"> <div class="box-header with-border"> <!-- Get title from config, your form fields are also available in the config --> <h3 class="box-title">[[widget.config.title]]</h3> </div> <!-- /.box-header --> <div class="box-body"> <!-- vue data property will be filled with the get_data results method ---> [[data]] </div> </div> </script> <script> <!-- The component must be called `widget-<code>` --> Vue.component('widget-random', { mixins: [TxWidgetMixin], template: '#widget-random-template', }); </script> """ code = None """Code for widget""" name = None """Name for widget is also used as default title""" description = None """Short description on what the widget does""" config_form_class = None """Form class used to change the widget. The form cleaned_data is used as the config""" default_width = 4 """Default width of widget, is based on grid system with max 12 columns""" default_height = 20 """Default height of widget, each step is 10px""" @property def template(self): """Template path `widgets/{code}.html` overwrite to set custom path""" return 'widgets/{code}.html'.format(code=self.code) @property def image(self): """Image path `img/widgets/{code}.jpg` overwrite to set custom path""" return 'img/widgets/{code}.jpg'.format(code=self.code)
[docs] def get_data(self, request, config): """Get data for widget, function needs te be overwritten on widget implementation""" return None
@property def config_fields(self): """Get the config field names""" if not self.config_form_class: return [] fields = list(self.config_form_class().base_fields) for field in list(self.config_form_class().declared_fields): if field not in fields: fields.append(field) return fields
class AuditlogWidget(BaseWidget): """Auditlog widget""" code = 'auditlog' name = _('Latest actions') description = _('Show the latest tracked actions done by users and the system') config_form_class = AuditlogWidgetForm default_height = 22 def get_data(self, request, config): """Get data for widget""" content_type_ids = [ for model, content_type in ContentType.objects.get_for_models(*[ config.model for config in models_config.get_all_configs(False) if request.user.has_perm('{app_label}.view_{model_name}'.format( app_label=config.app_label, model_name=config.model_name, ).lower()) ]).items()] logs = AuditLogEntry.objects.filter(content_type__in=content_type_ids).prefetch_related('user') show = config.get('show', 'all') if show != 'all': logs = logs.filter(user__isnull=show == 'system') return [ { 'user_full_name': log.user.get_full_name() if log.user else _('System'), 'user_avatar': log.user.avatar.url if log.user and log.user.avatar else static('img/avatar.png'), 'action': renderer.render_field(log, 'action'), 'object': '({}) {}'.format( log.content_type.model_class()._meta.verbose_name.capitalize(), log.object_verbose_name), 'object_url': log.content_object.get_absolute_url() if log.content_object else '', 'created_at': renderer.render_field(log, 'created_at'), } for log in logs.order_by('-created_at')[:6] ] class TotalSummaryWidget(BaseWidget): """Total summary widget""" code = 'total_summary' name = _('Total summary') description = _('Show total for given field on given period') config_form_class = TotalSummaryWidgetForm default_height = 5 def get_data(self, request, config): """Get data""" ModelClass = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(config['model']).model_class() query = ModelClass.objects.get_queryset() if config.get('filters'): query = filter_queryset_with_user_filters(query, json.loads(config['filters'])) if config.get('period', 'all') != 'all': today =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) query = query.filter(**{ 'year': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today.replace(month=1, day=1) }, 'month': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today.replace(day=1) }, 'week': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(today.weekday()) }, 'day': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today }, '365days': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(days=365) }, '30days': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(days=30) }, '7days': { '{}__gte'.format(config['period_field']): today - timezone.timedelta(days=7) }, }.get(config['period'], {})) if config.get('field', '__count__') == '__count__': return query.count() else: result = query.aggregate(sum=Sum(config['field'])) return renderer.render_field(ModelClass(**{config['field']: result['sum']}), config['field'])